
Friday, 30 June 2017
Media release

Update of skilled visa occupations lists

The Turnbull Government has updated the occupations lists for a range of temporary and permanent skilled visas, with the new lists effective from 1 July 2017.

The update will ensure the lists continue to reflect genuine skill needs in the labour market.

As part of its reforms to skilled migration announced in April, the Government will update the lists on a six monthly basis to ensure the best outcomes for Australian workers and employers alike.

The updated lists are based on extensive consultation with industry and advice from the Department of Employment and the Department of Education and Training.

The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton said the changes to the lists protect Australian workers, while allowing employers to recruit overseas workers in occupations which are known to be in high demand and face skills shortages in the Australian labour market. 

"The Government recognises the importance of enabling Australian businesses to tap into global talent to remain internationally competitive and support a strong national science and innovation agenda," Mr Dutton said. 

"The occupation lists are designed to be dynamic. Revisions to the occupation lists are just one element of the Government's reforms strengthening the integrity of Australia's employer sponsored skilled migration programmes and raising the productivity of skilled migrants."

All visa applicants are now required to undergo mandatory criminal checks as part of their application. The exemption to English language testing for subclass 457 visa applicants whose salary is over $96,400 has been removed, with the exception of employees transferring between a foreign parent company to an Australian arm of the company.

From 1 July 2017, all permanent skilled visas will have tightened English language and lower maximum age requirements. Additional measures will also be introduced to improve the integrity of permanent employer sponsored visas, including removal of some exemptions to mandatory skills and English language testing.

Full implementation of the Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa will be complete by March next year.

The TSS visa will include increased English language requirements, stricter labour market testing and a test to ensure employers are not discriminating against Australian workers.

From March next year, employers nominating a worker for a TSS visa will be required to pay a contribution to the Skilling Australians Fund to support additional education and training for Australian workers. Employers must continue to show they are making every effort to employ and train Australians in their businesses.

Further details of the revised lists of occupations eligible for temporary skilled migration and the other elements of the Government's reform package are available on the Department's website.