
Sunday, 08 September 2019
Media release

Assistance to victims of Sri Lanka terrorist attacks

The Australian Government has declared the 21 April 2019 bombings in Sri Lanka as a 'terrorist act' for the purpose of the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) scheme.

We condemn those responsible for the horrific terrorist attacks on innocents and have extended our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those killed and injured, and to the Government and people of Sri Lanka.

The AVTOP scheme ensures Australian victims of terrorist events overseas, such as the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka, have access to financial support.

Eight suicide bombings occurred across Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, targeting churches and hotels. Over 253 people were killed and over 485 were injured.

The Government has also declared a previous terrorist attack, which took place in Hyderabad, India, on 25 August 2007, for the purposes of the AVTOP scheme.

Two almost simultaneous bombings occurred at a restaurant and an amusement park in Hyderabad, killing 42 people and injuring over 50.

The declaration of these attacks means that Australian residents who were harmed, or lost a close family member, as a result of the attacks may seek a one-off payment of up to $75,000 in financial assistance.

The declaration of these attacks brings the total number of overseas terrorist acts declared by the Australian Government for the purposes of the AVTOP scheme to 42.

Information on declared attacks and how to apply for financial assistance through the AVTOP scheme is available at http://www.humanservices.gov.au or by calling 1800 040 226.