
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Media release

Securing Australia's cyber future through a new era of public-private partnership

​The Australian Government has today released the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy: Cyber Security Legislative Reforms Consultation Paper and an overview of existing cyber obligations for business leaders.

As part of the Government’s commitment to continue close consultation on cyber reforms, the consultation paper seeks input from Australian citizens and businesses to shape the future of our nation's cyber security and critical infrastructure protection laws.

The consultation paper is the next step in implementing the 2023–2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy to boost the nation’s cyber security through genuine public-private partnerships with business and the community.

Feedback from consultation will inform legislative reform to help strengthen our national cyber shields and deliver the Government’s commitments under the Strategy. This includes initiatives to address gaps in existing laws, plus proposed amendments to the SOCI Act to strengthen protections for critical infrastructure.

The Government has also launched a new booklet for corporate leaders to help them understand and fulfil their cyber security obligations. The Overview of Cyber Security Obligations for Corporate Leaders booklet details the important rules, regulations, and laws that apply to Australia’s critical infrastructure sectors.

The booklet groups obligations into three themes: preparing for a cyber incident, reporting to regulators before, during, or after a cyber incident and responding to the consequences of a cyber incident.

The booklet contains advice for corporate leaders as they navigate important obligations and requirements for the critical infrastructure assets that they own and operate. This advice will help business leaders uphold best practice as they respond to cyber incidents.

The Australian Government encourages Boards, Directors, Chief Executives and other corporate leaders to embrace their role in promoting cyber resilience and complying with regulatory frameworks for the benefit of all Australians. By working together, government and industry can strengthen our national cyber shields and fight back against the threat. 

Quotes attributable to Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O’Neil:

“The 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy is a game-changer for Australia’s cyber security. These initiatives will help Australian citizens and businesses fight back against the cyber crooks.

“The consultation paper and booklet for corporate leaders are key parts of the Australian Government’s commitment to ushering in a new era of public-private partnership to enhance Australia’s cyber security and resilience.

“Addressing cyber security risks is a shared responsibility. The Australian Government is 100% committed to working with the private sector to strengthen our cyber defences and reach our vision of becoming a world leader in cyber security by 2030.”