
Tuesday, 09 May 2023
Media release

A safer and more secure future for Australia

​​Joint media release with the Hon Andrew Giles​ MP

The Australian Government is investing an additional $630 million through the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Border Force to improve Australia’s migration program and build on Australia’s already strong border and national security settings.

These investments complement the Government’s proposed vision for a targeted, simpler migration system that serves our national interests and helps migrants thrive in our society and economy. The total investment includes the following new measures:

Migration program and settlement services

The Government is ensuring the migration system delivers the skilled migrants needed to address persistent skills shortages, by allocating around 70 per cent of places in the 2023-24 Permanent Migration Program to the Skill stream. Partner and child visas will remain demand-driven.

This will complement medium and longer-term efforts to address domestic skill deficits through education, training and sectoral reform.

This Budget will:

  • Deliver on the Government’s election commitment to increase the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT). After being frozen for a decade, the TSMIT will be raised from $53,900 to $70,000 from July 1, ending the suppression of wages under the former Liberal Government for both migrant and Australian workers.
  • Providing an extra two years of post-study work rights to Temporary Graduate visa holders with select degrees, to improve the pipeline of skilled labour in key sectors
  • The Government will also provide an additional $48.1 million over 12 months to support 500 visa processing officers. This will continue efforts to manage the number of visa applications on hand. Invest $27.8 million over two years to upgrade existing visa ICT systems to improve visa service delivery efficiency and increase Australia’s attractiveness in the global race for talent, students and tourists.
  • Continue support for vulnerable young refugees and migrant, with $9.1 million over 12 months to ensure the continued delivery of Youth Transition Support services, which improve employment, education and social connections for refugees and vulnerable migrants aged 15 to 25.

Border security

The Government has committed additional funding over 2022-23 and 2023-24 to protect the integrity of Australia’s border. This includes maintaining the ABF’s Airline Liaison Officer Program in the offshore network to deter and disrupt irregular travel, and an initial investment of $17.9 million in 2023-24 to commence work to ensure Western Sydney International Airport will be a safe and world leading airport.

Protecting critical infrastructure and Systems of National Significance

The Albanese Government is investing $19.5 million in 2023-24 to manage threats to Australia’s critical infrastructure. This funding will drive ongoing improvements to the security and resilience of the systems and assets that support our way of life.

National Office for Cyber Security

To support the Government’s announcement on the establishment of a National Cyber Security Coordinator (the Coordinator), the Government is investing $46.5 million in the Department of Home Affairs over the next four years to support leadership across the Australian Public Service in the coordination and triaging of action in response to major cyber security incidents. The Coordinator will be supported by 56 staff, including a new National Office for Cyber Security and staff from across the Department of Home Affairs, covering the cyber security response and hardening government information technology security, as well as other surge staff as required.

Trade modernisation

Funding of $8.0 million for 2023-24 will enable the Australian Border Force and Home Affairs to continue key whole-of-government and integrated regulatory, digital and data reforms under the Government’s Simplified Trade System agenda. These reforms support the Government’s trade diversification agenda, supply chain productivity and resilience, while maintaining robust border controls and community protection.